the highly regarded paper company gfsmith has hosted an exclusive exhibition event at 33 portland place in London. the display showcased visual art and graphic design since 1885 including sir peter blake, saul bass, peter saville, paul rand, milton glaser and rankin. unfortunately the four day event was only open to a select few but thanks to yatzer we have been able to see some snippets.
‘i have invested ninety percent of my money on prostitutes, the rest on class a drugs, the remains i squandered’.
the soho theatre have a one-hour adaptation by tim fountain of ‘dandy in the underworld’ – the infamous autobiography of sebastian horsley. with many anecdotes lifted from the book itself and a few new ones for good measure it reflects upon his life as a rebellious drug-addicted dandy with a wit to rival oscar wilde. he lived in soho and dressed everyday in a shirt that turnball and asser knew as ‘the horsley shirt’ of his own design. Be warned the book and the play are not for the light of heart and if you can’t make it to see the show (on until 10th july) then buy a copy of the book. the man himself died of a heroin overdose after the opening night last week after many years clean from drugs. a sad loss for soho.
talking to thomas campbell you see how much he loves getting paint on his hands every day. originally from twickenham, he still commutes to a studio there everyday and hopes to continue now that he is graduating from central saint martins ba fine art course. He is one to keep an eye on as mario testino has just bought several paintings.